In einem intensiven zweiwöchigen Kung-Fu-Boot-Camp, wird Jason in die Jahrhunderte alten Geheimnisse des Shaolin Kung Fu eingeführt. Bei Shi Yongxin, dem höchsten Mönch des chinesischen Kung Fu
3D Masterpieces is the 3D Blu-ray concept series from the 3D Content Hub label. With the well-known and internationally acclaimed Canadian artist San Base, 3D Masterpieces is releasing the first
If there is one part of the Bible that has undergone more scrutiny and abuse than any other, it is the very beginning-GENESIS. Both from within and without the church, assaults on GENESIS continue
Tiny Giants 3D is a nature documentary that explores the miniature world of some of the planet's smallest creatures. The film takes viewers on an immersive journey into the lives of tiny
Wonders of the Sea 3D invites viewers on a mesmerizing underwater odyssey to explore the breathtaking beauty and diversity of marine life. Through stunning visuals captured beneath the ocean's
An IMAX 3D camera chronicles the effort of 7 astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis to repair the Hubble Space Telescope in the documentary HUBBLE 3D.
Transitions 3D explores the intertwining lives of individuals at crucial moments in their journeys. The film delves into the complexities of human experiences, relationships, and the impact of