Catalog 3D Movies

We have collected all the best 3D movies for you and categorized them so that you can easily find a movie for your taste. We have movies of different genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family and others. You can choose a movie by franchises, collections, types or just find something interesting in the list of popular movies. Enjoy watching your favorite 3D movies!

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The movie Last Vacation 3D 2006 tells the story of Grace Smart, an ordinary woman working in a store. After learning that she has only a few weeks to live because of a rare disease, Grace decides
IMDB: 6,6
SIZE: 9.25 GB
The movie Red One 3D 2024 is an action-comedy, the action of which unfolds during the holiday season. The protagonist, an eccentric agent, is tasked with protecting a magical artifact capable of
IMDB: 6,5
SIZE: 11.85 GB
Lethal Weapon 3D 1987 tells the story of two LAPD detectives - veteran Martin Riggs and his new partner Mel Gibson. Riggs, who is going through a personal tragedy, presents a dangerous and impulsive
IMDB: 7,6
SIZE: 9.24 GB
Terrifying 3 3D 2024 American Christmas supernatural slasher film directed by Damien Leone. It is the sequel to Terrifying 2. After being decapitated by Sienna Shaw, the body of Art the Clown kills
IMDB: 6,5
SIZE: 10.04 GB
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