Warcraft 3D Blu Ray 2016
The plot of the movie Warcraft 3D Blu Ray 2016
Warcraft 3D film 1080p is based on Blizzard's legendary Warcraft computer game, specifically the first part in which orcs under the command of Guldan invade Azerot.In the center of events of the 3D film Warcraft is the world of Azeroth and the kingdom of people, whose peace is protected by great magicians, impregnable walls and brave knights. But even they are powerless when a traitor is in your ranks. Someone who has access to ancient knowledge has allowed a terrible thing to happen - the invasion of a hostile race of orcs begins on Azerot, hordes of which flow in an avalanche through the Dark Portal directly to the king's land. These huge and ferocious creatures sweep away everything in their path, killing anyone who comes their way.King Llane Wrynn summons a council to decide how to resist a new enemy. His knight Anduin Lothar learns that not all orcs are hungry for war. The fact is that the native world of these giants, Draenor, is dying, poisoned by the magic of the dark shaman Guldan. Part of the orc clans, who did not succumb to the persuasion of the sorcerer to drink the green blood of the demon Monoroth to gain unprecedented power, are just looking for a new habitat, they do not want to shed blood for nothing. The problem is that their minority, the rest want only one thing - to kill. On the advice of people, few people listen to Lothar, everyone sees only horrible monsters in the orcs, the fact of peaceful coexistence next to them seems unthinkable. But the circumstances are such that people and brown orcs, led by the mighty Durathan, will have to unite to save their people.
3D conversion by Prime FocusThe world of the orcs Draenor is dying, but their leader, the warlock Gul’Dan, knows the way out - with the help of foul magic, he has opened a portal to the kingdom of Azeroth, which the trained Horde warriors will seize without much difficulty. The only problem is that the portal feeds on other people's lives, so only a strike force of orcs can be transported to Azerot. The ruler of Azeroth Llane, his faithful commander Lothar and the keeper of the kingdom, the powerful magician Medivh, prepare to repel the blow, but they must hurry, otherwise Gouldan will open the portal a second time, and then the orcs will not be stopped.
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