Transcendence 3D revolves around the groundbreaking pursuit of merging artificial intelligence with human consciousness. When a brilliant scientist becomes terminally ill, he and his wife embark on
In 2035, a technophobic cop investigates a crime that may have been perpetrated by a robot, which leads to a larger threat to humanity in the movies I Robot 3D.
The mortician-pathologist works with corpses. He becomes aloof and cold. He feels threatened by a new employee of the office, Noah, who leads a well-known bandit named Cutter to the door of the
Allison thinks that there is another dimension in art. While at an art exhibit she see three-dimensional images pop out. These all help lead her to uncover a deadly secret in the movie Medium Still
The movie Taza, Son of Cochise 3D, the two sons of Apache chief cochise (Jeff Chandler) have conflicting views on white people who tremble on their land; Taza (Rock Hudson) advocates peaceful
The Day of the Doctor 3D 2013 is a special episode of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. The episode shows how different incarnations of the Doctor unite to save the planet
The plot of the film is divided into two biographical lines - a description of the life of the former emperor of China and Manchukuo, and now a prisoner No. 981 of the Chinese prison, recalling the
In the movie Flight Crew 3D the talented young pilot Alexei Gushchin does not recognize authority, preferring to act in accordance with his personal code of honor.