Monsters vs. Aliens 3D Blu Ray 2009

Monsters vs. Aliens 3D Blu Ray 2009

Year: 2009
Country: United States
Producer: Rob Letterman
Duration: 1h 34 min.
Cast: Reese Witherspoon, Rainn Wilson, Stephen Colbert
Type 3D: Original
IMDB: 6,4
2 279
3d movies

The plot of the movie Monsters vs. Aliens 3D Blu Ray 2009

Susan Murphy, a girl from California, is hit by a meteorite full of rubbish from space right on her wedding day, as a result of which she suddenly begins to grow and grows to fifteen meters. Alarmed by the appearance of a new monster, the military immediately get down to business: Susan is captured and taken to a secret government base.

There she is renamed Gigantica and locked up along with other monsters: the ingenious, but insect-headed Doctor of Science Cockroach; a brutal fishman named The Missing Link; jelly-like and unkillable B.O.Bom and a hundred-meter Insectosaurus. True, their imprisonment does not last long: an alien robot attacks the Earth, and the desperate President, yielding to the persuasions of General Voyaker, sends a motley team of monsters to save the planet from imminent death in the cartoon Monsters vs. Aliens 3d blu ray.

3DHD rating - is score of the 3D quality:
Pop Out Score
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Depth Score
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Did 3D improve the movie?
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Overall 3D Score: 0.0 out of 10 (votes: 0)
More about this 3D Movie

Okay, I'll admit I'm not big on CG movies as I always find 2D animation much more convincing and involving but I had a good time with this (along with a some relatives) and it's a pretty cool movie. However, I kinda felt a little underwhelmed; the story is good, but there's just wasn't enough substance along with the characters and action. I just felt it needed more. But it's a treat to see all the nods to '50s classic era of films that Monsters Vs Aliens pays homage to along with some good messages about being true to yourself and looking beyond one's appearance in order to know someone. Seeing the film with 3D glasses was a cool idea but in my view, 2D will suffice but still, it's good family entertainment for an afternoon. Hopefully the next film will have more ooomph, more "Monstrosity".

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Half OU 3D 1920x1080p: 6.39 GB

Full SBS 3D 3840x1080p: 19.53 GB

Blu-ray 3D: 32.30 GB

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Trailer Monsters vs. Aliens 3D Blu Ray 2009
User reviews (2)
  1. Guest
    11 February 2023 22:06


    It seems like the iso file image of Monsters vs Aliens bluray is damaged/corrupted. Each time I have attempted to download it (like 3 or 4 times now), after trying it out it doesn't work correctly. My computer says the file is damaged. Also, when I try to use it on my media player, the movie can be seen like in the first 30 minutes, after that, the movie starts to freeze.

    Can you please fix the file and post it again?

    Thanks a lot in advance.


  2. slock
    8 April 2024 19:48
    Same problem as above. The movie stops around the 36minutes mark and doesnt play at all.
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