Sing 3D Blu Ray 2016
The plot of the movie Sing 3D Blu Ray 2016
Movie 3D animation Sing and his screenwriter and director Garth Jennings, who began his career as an actor in the legendary film “Zombie by the name of Shawn”, presents to the viewer the computer-animated comedy musical Sing 3D with Scarlett Johansson, Reese Witherspoon and Matthew McConaugheus as sympathetic stars.A koala bear named Buster Moon (Matthew McConaughey) is the owner of a theater that is going through hard times. But Buster loves his theater so much that he is ready for anything to save him, even for a small scam. With the help of his gullible and unsuspecting friend, he launches a fake contest for the best vocalist 'from the people'. The winner is expected glory and an impressive prize. Having gone through a crazy contest, five get to the final: the mouse is a street swindler and a musician, who has something to sing, to warm up; timid, notorious teenager elephant; mother of children with mumps; punk rocker porcupine dreaming of a solo career; young gangster gorilla, eager to break criminal ties. Now Buster faced a difficult choice. Saving the theater, he will destroy the dreams of gifted finalists, what should he do?
3D Movie from the Franchise - Sing
Koala Baster Moon runs the musical theater in the world, which is completely populated by animals. Over the entire career of Buster, he did not have a single hit, and now he has nothing to pay the actors and pay for electricity. Suddenly, Moon gets the idea to make a contest for amateur singers. He hardly gains a thousand dollars and asks his assistant to print flyers with the announcement of the prize for the winner. However, the elderly assistant makes mistakes and prints flyers with the promise of not $ 1,000, but $ 100,000. A huge crowd immediately builds up at the theater, and Buster hardly selects six contestants, thinking frantically what he will pay when everyone realizes that the theater is stranded.
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