In Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End 3D, the notorious pirate captain, along with his eclectic crew and allies, seeks to rescue his friend from the otherworldly realm of Davy Jones'
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest 3D continues the adventures of the infamous pirate captain as he faces the consequences of a debt owed to the otherworldly Davy Jones. In a desperate
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 3D tells the tale of a cunning pirate captain who teams up with an adventurous blacksmith to rescue the captain's captured crew and
Mermaid 3D 2016 is a film about a young mermaid who finds herself on land and falls in love with a young man. The film follows a mermaid named Amoy who lives in the sea with her father. One day, she
In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 3D, Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for his third year. During this year, a dangerous criminal named Sirius Black
Harry Potter spent ten years of his eleven-year life in a closet under the stairs in the house of his aunt and uncle, who obviously did not like him at all. And then, one day, the giant came for
Four years after the destruction of Nublar Island, dinosaurs began to live and hunt side by side with humans. This delicate balance will change the future and determine once and for all whether
The girl Dorothy and the dog Toto are carried away by the tornado along with the house to the fairy-tale land of Oz. There she becomes the owner of the magic shoes that the wicked witch of the West
Before we head into our own time, "Black Adam" gives the exposition in short order: many years ago, before Ancient Egypt and even before Mesopotamia, there was a kingdom called Kandak.
Legends say that the brahmastra is the most powerful and precise weapon in the history of mankind, which always finds its target and which cannot be repelled, but can only be used once in a lifetime.
Alice Through the Looking Glass 3D everyone's favorite family story about the adventures of Alice. After Alice's long absence in Wonderland, much has changed, and not for the better.