Cane Toads: The Conquest 3D Blu Ray 2010
The plot of the movie Cane Toads: The Conquest 3D Blu Ray 2010
People do stupid things over and over again when fighting nature.Poisonous cane toads were introduced to Australia in 1935 to combat the beetles that ravaged sugar plantations. Since then, the toads have multiplied in such a way that they began to pose a threat to the entire ecosystem of the country (crocodiles and dingo dogs especially suffer from them).3D technology has created a film full of tension and humor from the point of view of toads. For the first time, a person has the opportunity to plunge headlong into the world of these mysterious creatures and feel like a toad that has gone hunting in search of food. And after a successful hunt and a hearty dinner, plunge into the sweet waves of passionate toad sex ...The film became a sensation at the Sundance Independent Film Festival and drew a storm of enthusiasm from both audiences and discerning film critics. The success is largely attributable to the use of advanced 3D technology and the participation of world-class specialists in the filming. The authors really managed to achieve the "immersion effect", and the director's subtle sense of humor turned the risky plot into a gripping story full of irony. Post-production took place at Peter Jackson's New Zealand studio Weta Digital, where many Hollywood films, including Avatar, are turned into potential hits. This studio is the pioneer of 3D technologies in the documentary Cane Toads: The Conquest 3d blu ray.
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