A lightning bolt gives Mrs. Tachibana telekinetic powers, leading her to become a superhero who assists the townspeople from minor inconveniences, while at the same time neglecting her housework and
50 years after launching our dream into space, we are left with a troubling legacy: a growing ring of orbiting space debris that threatens the safety of Earth's orbit.
Many interested parties are after the loot from a factory payroll heist but the mobster who hid it has amnesia after undergoing experimental brain surgery in the prison hospital.
When the Frog King announces that the winner of the Frog Competition will marry his daughter, Princess Frogpaws, she immediately escapes from the palace. She plans to win the Olympics herself in
Yellowbird 3D story revolves around a young orphaned bird named Yellowbird who has never left his nest and is afraid to venture into the outside world. When his family migrates without him,