Waking Life 3D is a unique animated film that explores philosophical and existential themes. The story follows an unnamed protagonist who finds himself in a dream-like state, questioning the nature
Violent street youth groups in Los Angeles have found a new way to sort things out and divide the territory. Instead of contract killings, there are murderous races on modified cars with accelerated
Jurassic Park III 3D follows the story of Dr. Alan Grant, a renowned paleontologist, who is coerced into accompanying a wealthy couple, Paul and Amanda Kirby, on a flyover tour of Isla Sorna, the
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 3D follows the perilous journey of a diverse group of beings from different realms who form an alliance to destroy a powerful and malevolent ring.
Two of the coolest spies in the world - Gregorio Cortez and Ingrid, who at one time were the best spies in the country - had the same secret mission: to destroy each other.
Harry Potter spent ten years of his eleven-year life in a closet under the stairs in the house of his aunt and uncle, who obviously did not like him at all. And then, one day, the giant came for
Johnny's mother is an aging, once very popular rock singer living out her last years in an old, covered with a secret castle. But then his mother dies, and Johnny, a young, original, promising
The action of the cartoon takes place in the city of Monstropolis, which is inhabited by many monsters of all shapes and sizes. Two friends-monsters work for the largest "frightening"
Shrek 3D unfolds in a fairytale land where an ogre, content in his swamp solitude, has his peaceful life disrupted when a swarm of fairytale creatures is sent to live on his land by the villainous