Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Out of the Shadows 3D follows the adventures of the four anthropomorphic turtles - Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael - along with their human ally April
The Wolverine 3D follows the journey of a lone warrior with extraordinary abilities who finds himself in a mysterious and unfamiliar land. Haunted by his past, he grapples with inner demons while
In Spider-Man: Far From Home 3D the narrative picks up after the events of Avengers: Endgame 3D. A young superhero, eager to take a break from his crime-fighting duties, embarks on a school trip to
In Jumanji: The Next Level 3D the adventure continues as a group of friends returns to the magical video game world of Jumanji. However, things take an unexpected turn when one of the players'
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens 3D is set three decades after the defeat of the Galactic Empire. The galaxy faces a new threat: the First Order, a military dictatorship inspired by the
Marine biologist Skylar Shane hires an expat charter boat captain, Jack Bowman, to help her find prehistoric life form samples in the north Sumatran Sea
Traumatized by the death of an innocent, Bradley, a killer for hire, falls from society and roams the dangerous streets of a tough inner city ghetto looking for meaning in his life.