Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie 3D 2017 is a superhero invented by two ordinary boys from the most ordinary school and delighted all the kids from the elementary grades. But the more his
Young Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea Dragon 3D immerses viewers in a spectacular blend of mystery, martial arts, and fantasy set against the backdrop of ancient China. The film follows the early
The cartoon is dedicated to the famous astronaut dog Laika, the first animal put into Earth's orbit. Laika was caught in a city dump to make her an astronautical pioneer. In orbit, the dog, by
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 3D continues the journey of a reluctant hobbit, a group of dwarves, and their wizard companion as they seek to reclaim the Lonely Mountain and its treasure
This time in the movie Journey 2: The Mysterious Island 3D Sean Anderson receives a coded signal asking for help, and from a mysterious island, from a place where there can be no island. It is home
Susan Murphy, a girl from California, is hit by a meteorite full of rubbish from space right on her wedding day, as a result of which she suddenly begins to grow and grows to fifteen meters.
Scandalous, sarcastic, rude and absolutely wild, the Johnny Knoxville team is once again ready to shock, laugh and tear the roof off, and this time they will surprise even more.
RESCUE will capture the dynamics and drama of disaster response, giving the audience an insiders view of a truly remarkable force for good in a world that is increasingly in need of it.