Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 3D Blu Ray 2002
The plot of the movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 3D Blu Ray 2002
Harry Potter is entering the second year of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Dobby the elf warns Harry of the danger that awaits him there, and asks him not to return to Hogwarts anymore. Harry does not follow the elf's advice and becomes a witness to the terrible events unfolding at school. One by one, its inhabitants are under the influence of evil spells that turn them into stiff statues. And all the while Harry seems to hear an ominous voice, seemingly coming from nowhere. Soon the students will learn about the existence of a terrible Secret room, which can only be opened by the only heir of Salazar Slytherin. Everyone thinks that it was Harry who opened the Secret Room and released the Horror contained in it, because the fact is that Potter can understand snakes and speak their language. Harry Potter 3D is a snake-eater! And that's what Slytherin was famous for.
3D Movie from the Franchise - Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 3D Blu Ray 2002 originally was not released in 3D but has been converted to 3D specifically for the 3D-HD.CLUB, offering viewers an enhanced visual experience of the thrilling action sequences and special effects in the movie.
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