The Time Carousel is an animated adventure film that revolves around a young inventor named Alex who stumbles upon a magical device: the Time Carousel. This extraordinary invention has the power to
The indefatigable super agent Ethan Hunt, played by Tom Cruise, will once again be in the spotlight. When the next mission of a special secret squad of IMF operatives goes wrong and ends in failure,
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Out of the Shadows 3D follows the adventures of the four anthropomorphic turtles - Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael - along with their human ally April
In Trolls 3D, a vibrant and colorful animated world is inhabited by the happy-go-lucky Trolls, who love to sing, dance, and embrace a life full of positivity. However, their joy is threatened when
Tony Wendis, a playboy who owes his entire position to his marriage to the beautiful rich heiress Margot Wendis. When he learns that he could lose her millions, since Margot was carried away by the
The Wolverine 3D follows the journey of a lone warrior with extraordinary abilities who finds himself in a mysterious and unfamiliar land. Haunted by his past, he grapples with inner demons while
This time in the movie Journey 2: The Mysterious Island 3D Sean Anderson receives a coded signal asking for help, and from a mysterious island, from a place where there can be no island. It is home
Susan Murphy, a girl from California, is hit by a meteorite full of rubbish from space right on her wedding day, as a result of which she suddenly begins to grow and grows to fifteen meters.
In the cartoon Frozen 3D blu ray, when an ancient prediction comes true and the kingdom is plunged into the embrace of eternal winter, three fearless heroes-Princess Anna, brave Kristoff and his
Scandalous, sarcastic, rude and absolutely wild, the Johnny Knoxville team is once again ready to shock, laugh and tear the roof off, and this time they will surprise even more.
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens 3D is set three decades after the defeat of the Galactic Empire. The galaxy faces a new threat: the First Order, a military dictatorship inspired by the