Adventure 3D Movies

The Lego Movie 3D centers around an ordinary Lego construction worker who stumbles upon a relic known as the Piece of Resistance. This discovery propels him into an epic quest to stop the tyrannical
IMDB: 7,7
SIZE: 8.93 GB
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 3D continues the story of Peter Parker after he embraces his role as Spider-Man, balancing his life as a high school graduate and his duties as a crime-fighting superhero.
IMDB: 6,6
SIZE: 39.45 GB
In The Amazing Spider-Man 3D the narrative unfolds as a young and brilliant scientist discovers a mysterious formula that leads to a life-altering event. Simultaneously, a seemingly ordinary
IMDB: 6,9
SIZE: 20.43 GB
In the center of the plot in the film "Shan-Chi" and "The Legend of the Ten Rings" on 3d blu ray will be the first Asian MCU superhero who does not really have superpowers, but
IMDB: 7.5
SIZE: 18.84 GB
The powerful Atreides family, led by Count Leto (Oscar Isaac), is sent to Arrakis to oversee the extraction of spice, the most important substance in the universe.
IMDB: 8.2
SIZE: 22.30 GB
The conflict unfolds in a fictional state that separated from the USSR - the Eastern Slavic Republic (VSR), where there is a civil war with the use of biological weapons.
IMDB: 6.5
SIZE: 7.36 GB
The legendary puss in boots 3D became a hero long before he met Shrek, when, together with the brilliant strategist Humpty Dumpty and the charming, but insidious, Kitty Softpaw, he saved his
IMDB: 6.6
SIZE: 33.75 GB
One day, little Smurfette thought about the fact that each of her tiny Smurf brothers has their own role and occupation in the village. What is the purpose of the only girl?
IMDB: 6.0
SIZE: 34.67 GB
True friends forever, the turtles Sammy and Rey are enjoying a measured life near the ocean, as well as looking after the newly hatched Ricky and Ella. Suddenly, a poacher grabs the big turtles he
IMDB: 5.6
SIZE: 8.96 GB
Altea was once a happy and prosperous land where humans, elves and beasts lived peacefully.
IMDB: 6,3
SIZE: 9.01 GB
Bumblebee 3D is set in the 1980s and follows a young woman who discovers a battle-scarred and damaged Autobot named Bumblebee in a junkyard. As the two form a unique bond, they become entangled in a
IMDB: 6,7
SIZE: 20.15 GB
TRON: Legacy 3D is set in the digital world within a computer system known as The Grid. The story follows Sam Flynn, the son of Kevin Flynn, a former video game developer who disappeared years ago.
IMDB: 6,8
SIZE: 21.11 GB