A remake of the 1995 blockbuster film based on the comic book AD Comic. Dredd 3D raises the stakes in the fight against crime on the streets of Mega City, a giant metropolis where the police have
In Pacific Rim 3D colossal sea monsters, known as Kaiju, emerge from an interdimensional rift in the Pacific Ocean, wreaking havoc on coastal cities. To combat this threat, humanity develops massive
Wonder Woman 3D is set against the backdrop of World War I and follows the story of Diana, an Amazonian princess raised on the hidden island of Themyscira. When a pilot crashes on the island and
TIt was high time for Godzilla and Kong to collide in a great battle and destroy a couple of cities. And the fact that such a monstrous story was entrusted to Adam Wingard, a well-known horror maker
An epic adventure takes place both on our planet Earth and in the kingdom of the gods Asgard. At the center of the story is the Mighty Thor, a strong but arrogant warrior whose reckless actions
In Captain America: The First Avenger 3D 2011 the narrative unfolds against the backdrop of World War II. A patriotic and determined young man, deemed unfit for military service, undergoes a
Watch a movie Shazam only in 3D! Inside each of us lives a superhero - you need only a little magic to release it outside. In the case of Billy Batson (Asher Angel), a 14-year-old adopted child, it
In Guardians of the Galaxy 3D revolves around a disparate group of intergalactic misfits who come together under unlikely circumstances. Each with a troubled past and unique skills, the group
Continuing the events of the epic MARVEL blockbusters Thor and The Avengers, Thor: The Dark World 3D follows the efforts of a brave Norse god to restore order to the galaxy