All 3D image formats are based on the presence of separate angles for the left and right eyes. Each eye sees its own angle of the observed object, and the brain converts this information into a three-dimensional image.
This effect surrounds us constantly, we just got used to it and do not pay attention to it. Do the experiment — stretch out your hand in front of you and close your right eye, and then abruptly close your left eye and open your right eye. Do this several times and you will see that your hand, as it were, jumps to the left, then to the right, depending on which eye is open. In stereo images, this effect is achieved in several ways.
How 3D works
The screens of both 3D TVs and 3D movies are flat, so how do they create a 3D image? To understand the basic techniques of 3D technology, it is important to first understand how human vision works. Humans have two eyes that are about 3 inches apart. This distance between the two eyes creates two slightly different images that are transmitted to the brain. The brain will then create a space in which to perceive distance and depth.
This is how 3D technology works, creating the same space in your brain. It tricks your brain into seeing a depth that isn’t there by separating the images. By providing a different image to each eye, he created the illusion of three-dimensionality. Then the person should be wearing 3D glasses that will help to dissect this image and transfer it to the righ
What are the 3D formats?