Dog Man 3D Blu Ray 2025
“Dog Man” is an upcoming animated superhero movie from DreamWorks Animation, based on the children's graphic novel series by Dev Pilkey. It is a spin-off of Captain Underpants: The First Epic 2017 and a continuation of the franchise. The project was directed by Peter Hastings, who also voices the main character. The movie features actors such as Pete Davidson, Lil Rel Howery, Isla Fisher, Poppy Liu, Stephen Root, Billy Boyd, and Ricky Gervais. DreamWorks announced the project in December 2020, following Hastings' work on The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants. In January 2024, producer Karen Foster joined the team, and the cast was revealed in September.
Dog Man 3D Blu Ray 2025 is not yet available in 3D as it is awaiting release from the official studios or 3D conversion from JFC. We want to know your opinion how much you want this film to appear on the site so you can vote for it and we will see your reactions. Keep an eye on the site for updates so you don't miss the release of this film in 3D.