Russia's aerobatics team Berkuts VR 360
Today, June 10, the 25th anniversary of the Russian aerobatic team “Berkuts” is celebrated in Torzhok. We heartily congratulate the pilots on this important date and share the video of the test flight, which was conducted in preparation for the Victory Day celebrations. The story of creating this video was not an easy one, and the participants will remember it for a long time. During the preparation for the Victory Parade 2017, we visited the Kubinka airbase. We were inspired by the idea of shooting a 360-degree video of a helicopter formation flying over Red Square in Moscow. We tried different ways of attaching cameras on Mi-8, Mi-35 and Mi-28N helicopters. After many attempts we came up with the idea to mount the camera in the barrel of the Mi-28N gun. There are almost no convenient places to mount a 360 camera on this model due to safety concerns. When I, having almost given up hope, suggested attaching the camera to the gun barrel at the front of the helicopter, I was pleasantly surprised that neither the technician nor the gunner objected.