An ancient fox spirit embarks on a diabolical quest to become human after escaping an icy prison, and becomes bound to a disfigured princess who seeks the love of a noble guard as her kingdom
The swimming fantasy gardens take you on a journey to the end of the world in a fantastic location. At one time every year, rain transforms the entire landscape into a world of water.
Cinderella 3D French animated film from 2012. Here is a brief description of its plot: Instead of the usual Cinderella fairy tale, the action takes place in the Wild West. Cinderella, a young girl
50 years after launching our dream into space, we are left with a troubling legacy: a growing ring of orbiting space debris that threatens the safety of Earth's orbit.
The Last Reef is a visually stunning 3D documentary that explores the hidden worlds of coral reefs beneath the ocean's surface. The film takes viewers on a captivating journey through vibrant
Feu 3D, the show created by Christian Louboutin, first ever Crazy Horse guest creator, was performed for three months in the spring of 2012 on the stage of the legendary Parisian cabaret.
In the movie The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey 3D, Bilbo Baggins becomes a member of a grand journey, the goal of which is to return the Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor, captured by the dragon Smog.
In Rise of the Guardians 3D, the world's mythical figures, including Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, the Sandman, and Jack Frost, join forces to protect the beliefs and